Material required for Austria to make this CHRISTMAS STAR:
GREECE, AUSTRIA AND CATALONIA joined the live event and here are the results: Christmas carols and Xmas gifts for everyone and we all had great fun!
"15th December, Christmas meeting with 3 KCC countries!!! Pupils from
Greece really enjoyed it!! First we met Welsh KCC team through eTwinning Live. Greek Christmas carols traveled to Wales!! Then, Austria and Catalonia welcomed us while singing and showing how to
make a Christmas tree with reusable materials. Thank you, Dear friends for the clever ideas about gifts and decorations you show us!!
We wish you Merry Christmas!!!"
"We had a nice live event with our Italian friends!
Thank you
The Erasmus team of OttoWels Primary"
Enthousiastic KCC partners met today to discuss our next steps and plan the next months activities before the CAMP in Berlin....
A really fruitful meeting!!