Christmas mood on Wednesday 13th December 2018, both in Greece and Italy. In Gemona and in Alexandroupoli students met using the eTwinning platform to introduce themselves, ask questions about the cooperative and castles and sing carols in three different languages!!
Wales video chatted with the Catalonians.We introduced ourselves to the Catalans.We asked them questions on Cardiff Castle and they asked us questions on Llobregate Castle. We sang 'Ting A Ling A Ling' and 'Ding Dang Dong' and vice-versa. We found it very fun and interesting to chat with the Catalans. Bye for now!
This year two partners countries will meet together to celebrate Christmas time and to wish each other good wishes of joy, love, peace and love for all the year.
We will start the online meeting by introducing ourselves, then talking and asking about our project and castles and finally singing " Jingle bells" in 3 different languages: English and the two languages of the partner countries.
It will be really fun and exciting!
Good luck to everyone!
11th December, GERMANY AND AUSTRIA singing joyfully
Today the Greek and Italian students had their second online meeting. This time without any technical problems. The greek students started singing traditional greek Christmas carols and then we started with the questions about our castles and the KCC cooperative. Then the italian students closed the videoconference with a traditional german Christmas song. It was wonderful and the students enjoyed it a lot.